Help & Advice
If you are in danger, call the police immediately. You can also call 099 887808 for shelter protection. If it is not an emergency, please call during working hours Monday-Friday 10-6 assistance by calling 099 887808. This must be done in a kind and understanding manner.
- First, always make sure she can safely talk. Is the abuser around? Will he come home soon? Will he look at her dialed calls?
- All hotlines should be anonymous and confidential. A victim might choose to give a false name or no name at all. We provide all the information she wants/needs and encourage her to come to the center for a more extensive discussion. No call is refused.
- Always inform her not to divulge to the abuser her intentions to leave or divorce, as he may become dangerous or homicidal. Many times people simply call for information and resources. Provide these with empathy, patience, and understanding.
- Sometimes a woman may call to test out the organization –to see if the people on the other side are sensitive and helpful and make a decision about whether she wants to get involved with the organization. Victims are used to being blamed and victimized, even by trusted people and service organizations. The hotline provides a non-committal and anonymous option while they are making up their minds.
- If it is an emergency, assess the situation, danger, and wellbeing of the children. In cases of imminent danger, we advise the victim to call the police. If she reports that she already called and the police did nothing to help her, follow up with the police and also call us 099-88-78-08
- If you need to leave immediately from where you are, decide on a safe place to meet. We can bring you to the center or call the hotline for immediate assistance and transfer to shelter. We will mention some safety plan elements. REMEMBER: it’s best not to tell your partner that you intend on leaving or divorcing and to have documents and house keys with you.
- If the caller says she is suicidal, try to obtain as much information as possible including her cell phone number, the number of a trusted person, her current location, and her home address. Assess the risk of suicidal ideation and intervene when necessary. (Call the WSC hotline as all hotline staff are trained in suicide intervention.)